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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Playing in the MUD (Aardwolf)

I'm deliriously lost in the game. I use it to get away from real life and what's happening. Between that and reading I don't to bad. I'm now level 53 doing quests and campaigns. It takes a lot of concentration to play and so far so good. I died today though in the land of oz. I thought it would be an easy quest but no. So far I have only died 10 times and I wouldn't have if I had only paid attention to what I was doing. They are calling for a thunderstorm today and rain so I plan on staying in a playing my game. It looks pretty dark and ominous out there right now and I think I heard thunder. I can go on another quest in a minute or I can campaign right now. I have been doing a quest then campaigning until I can quest again. They have 30 minutes between quests and it's amazing how many campaign assignments I can get done in 30 minutes.
Right now I'm having a smoke and drinking coffee. It's so hot in the house I'm dying. I just signed up for another quest and I have to go back to the land of oz where I died last. Great. Wow, I completed the quest and almost died. They don't take long to do but it uses up a lot of your mana and hit power to complete and that's even with a spell up. It certainly is very challenging. I know it's all text-based and not very pretty looking as the world of warcraft or similar games but trust me it's still just as challenging. It keeps me busy that's for sure. Now I have to heal before I can campaign. I know there are potions and elixirs that I can take to heal but I haven't quite figured that out yet I probably should. There are so many things you can do here and it's all free to play. I love the game. Well, keep safe everyone, and keep on mudding.

Monday, June 1, 2020

I've done nothing but play the game

I have done nothing but play Aardwolf today and maybe get a few groceries. It was hubby's birthday and he's gone north so play I will. I think I'm going to take a break for now and maybe some sleep I'm not really tired but I think I'm played out. I have done 130 quests so far and 3 campaigns and died a total of 6 times so far. I don't really remember dying the last time but I did. I had been drinking and smoking a bit not feeling any pain and have no memory of it well maybe a bit but not really. I'm now level 39 I have gone up 10 levels or so since I have been campaigning. I'm going to sign off and go to sleep keep safe.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Day 74 of lockdown in the real world

Not in Aardwolf thank goodness. There are 32905 rooms in Aardwolf and I have explored 2988 rooms only 9.08% more then what I expected. I'm now level 30 played 174 hours I have done a 111 quest so far and only failed 8 and still only died 2 times. I am also a member now of The Lone Adventures. I still haven't tried a campaign yet I might tomorrow maybe or later tonight. I'm just waiting to do a regular quest right now I have 7 more minutes to wait. 2 minutes now it drives me crazy waiting between quests what do you do. I try and improve my character by training and building up my equipment. Just completed another quest they don't take me to long to do. That's why I thought that I would try campaigns and maybe get back into doing goals again. I need something a little more challenging right now. Well, I have been at the game for a while I should take a break and do something else but I'm hooked. Keep safe everyone.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Talking Politics in the Game

All they are doing right now is rehashing yesterday's news on Aardwolf. I know I can turn the channel off but this is a game lets play it instead of talking trash. They should have a politics channel for those that want to talk nonsense. I want to enjoy the game and talk to friends at the same time. I'm now level 30 and over 100 quests now. Moving right along I am. This is all with my MissLilly character. She has also joined the Loner Clan as I want to play this game on my own at my own speed the way I want to play it. So far I have been doing quests to gain levels I think I might try a campaign tomorrow when I wake up and have some time when I won't be interrupted. I haven't tried a campaign quest yet and I think I should now start. I was doing goals as well but I have been having trouble completing the goals that I have started. Maybe I will look a little closer to playing goals tomorrow as well. Ahh, they are back talking about the game again thank goodness. Keep safe.

Monday, May 25, 2020

COVID Day 69 Playing Aardwolf for a month now

I have logged in 132 hours playtime, crazy. Only at level 27 still have only died twice and have over 70 quests in. I know I could level quicker if I killed more monsters but I'm enjoying taking my time and learning the game. I need to try to do a campaign quest they are a little harder and longer to do killing more monsters. It's supposed to rain on Thursday and Friday so maybe I'll give one a try then. It is hard to believe that we have been on lockdown for 69 days now. Thank goodness the weather is better and I'm able to get outside for a bit. Keep safe everyone.

Monday, May 18, 2020

I have played almost 100 hours of Aardwolf

Still only level 22 I should probably be killing more monsters to level quicker so far I'm only killing monsters when I quest. I have only died twice so far and each slot is full on my equipment. I have practiced all of my spells so they are up to date. I think I'm doing okay. I'm using the help files a lot because I can't seem to remember the commands. Do you think I should level quicker? So far I have completed 42 quests and they are fairly easy. I have failed 7 quests so far which I think is pretty good. If I keep my level lower I think I get easy quests. I have only done 11 goals they are a little more difficult and that is where I have died. There is really no wrong way to play this game but I do think I would like to try a campaign to see how I would do you can only do one campaign per level. I should really give it a try but they are 2 hours long yikes. I don't know. I could check one out I suppose to see what they are like. What do you think? Yes, I'm talking to you as you are my only follower. No one else seems interested in following my blog. Have you checked out Aardwolf yet it's a fun game if you like old school really old school text games? It helps with the boredom of this lockdown that we are in. Well, I'll sign off for now. Keep safe.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Just died for the second time in Aardwolf

I have to remember the commands Get All MissLilly and Wear All when I'm at Ravi. I had to tpsend corpse spending one trivia point. Which is okay I would rather do it myself than have someone do it for me. I have been playing now for 92 hours and have died twice. Not sure if that is good or bad. I have completed 35 quests now have over 2 million in gold coins I haven't killed many monsters and I am only level 22 but doing pretty good I think. I'm still enjoying myself. Trying to build up my character. I don't think I lost anything which is good. I should really be going to sleep but I'm not tired. Well, I guess that's about it for now. Later keep safe.